Welcome to our Club!

Service Above Self
Steer Inn Family Restaurant
Cushing, OK 74023
United States of America
District Site
Venue Map
The Bi-District Foundation Banquet is March 21st at the NCED Conference Center and Hotel in Norman. Registration can be found online at Rotary District 5750. Cost is $60.00 for your meal plus $100.00 if you do not contibute $100.00 per year to the Rotary Foundation. Again, registration is on the district website.
This year's District Conference is being held at the Grand Casino Resort in Shawnee. The dates are April 16th,17th, and 18th. It costs nothing to attend. All meal expenses have been covered by the district. You need only to pay for your room reservations at $99.00 per night. There will be lots to do recreationally, as well as programs to attend. You will walk away, a more informed Rotarian. Please join us in attending this annual event. For more information, log onto the Rotary District 5750 website.